Job Description
I work to connect the services offered within the Developmental Services of Ontario to the Christian Horizons organization. I support people with developmental disabilities, their families and their support network to onboard into services with Christian Horizons. I advocate for funding increases, working within budgets and grant proposals. I also network with various community agencies to collaborate on projects and work together to advocate for spaces of belonging and inclusion within our region. I work as a bridge between Christian Horizons and the ministry, Christian Horizons and the community, and Christian Horizons and people who access our services.
Relevant School Subjects
- English
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Areas of Expertise
- Admin/Business
- Healthcare
- Not for Profit
Career Story
My first job was delivering newspapers, babysitting and camp counselling. During high school I was employed as a nurses' aide in a nursing home where I worked throughout high-school and into college. While at college, studying theology/youth/leadership, I moved to working as Support Worker within Christian Horizons services. I worked a full-time contract with 12 hour days for many years, until having children and returning part-time working evenings and weekends while my children were young. I began working a night-sleep position, working overnight at a group home location and being an emergency on-call worker for a decade. This position allowed me to remain employed and still be a primary care parent during the day. While I was working the night-sleep position, I also worked as an office manager and supply manager for a local art company. I would work my sleep shift at the group home, get my kids off to school and then work during the day at the art company. I had this dual role for a few years, before we became foster parents and I was caring for additional children through the day. On top of my employment I worked in volunteer capacities with many charities and non-profits. I was the vice-chair of a school council, church board, camp board and involved in a local theatre company as the prop master, head of assets and most recently as President. I applied for my current position as Community Development Manager and was the successful applicant into a temporary contract, which became permanent just last year. It has felt like a long journey to get to this point, but every step had a purpose and gave me the experience and expertise to work in my new role. Along the way I applied for many positions and was unsuccessful, and use that experience to fuel my learning and find other avenues to support the community and challenge myself along the way.