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VP of Crestron Corporation

Crestron Electronics

Job Description

As a Technology Executive I get to do lots of amazing things and meet amazing people. Its so much fun to travel all over the world and do events with companies and organizations that Crestron supports every day.

the neat part about jobs like this is you just have to be passionate. You might have a friend who's mom or dad is a doctor or an engineer and those jobs are really cool and have a pretty specific path to get there at school and internships. but, a job like mine, you just have to really be passionate. I actually went to chef school.

Now all of you might say, how does that work?? Well, I have always been entrepreneurial, I was the kid in high school trading and selling hockey cards, I was the one kid that some one could always go to for their lawn to be cut or driveway shoveled. I have always loved working and interacting with people.

My passion has always been food. I worked in some really cool restaurants and I realized after I graduated that the lifestyle of working when everyone was having fun wasnt for me, so I "pivoted" to a new role in a startup tech company as the guy who could do anything... think of me as the handyman. I realized that my gift really was about interacting with people the same way I did with people in the restaurant. Now I could do it for a tech company. I spent a few years with a company in toronto and then moved to a USA based company which eventually led me to taking on a leadership role with Crestron Electronics.

We make some really neat stuff to help organizations be connected. I am sure all of you know what a video conference is. We connect people in offices to people at home or both home and office to other home and offices. Its a way that likely your mom or dad get to work everyday...

We have Manufacturing plants in Mexico and New Jersey with some really neat robots that make circuit boards and some really dedicated people that put it all together. My job is to take care of Canada and make sure that our sales and marketing teams are taking care of business.

I love my job, I wake up everyday ready to tackle some sort of problem and when I help solve issues, it is one of the most gratifying things that I can do.

Tell me what you want to do when you get older!

Relevant School Subjects

  • Business
  • Computer Studies
  • Guidance and Career Education
  • Science
  • Technological Education

Areas of Expertise

  • Admin/Business
  • Building/Construction
  • Catering/Hospitality
  • Design/Arts
  • Education/Training
  • Engineering
  • Financial/Insurance/Banking
  • IT/Computers

Career Story

mostly covered in the above...

I went to highschool in Sarnia, then to George Brown college -Culinary Managment then onto technology, how I got there and the bumps in the road are some of the best stories that people always say to me -- wow you're lucky. No, I am just always looking to see how I can better myself!

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