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Experiential Learning

Activity-based Learning

August 27, 2020

Activity-based learning involves mutually constructing knowledge and collaborative learning with others, including peers, benefitting students, families, employers, and the community.

Activity-based Learning

What does it look like?

Activity-based learning involves:

  • mutually constructing knowledge and collaborative learning with others, including peers

  • engaging in authentic activities that involve sharing and work with a variety of resources as learners develop meaningful ideas and identities of themselves;

  • The teacher as a mediator, facilitator, coach, mentor, and actuator who participates as a co-constructor of knowledge


Students and Families

  • Expands experience and contacts

  • Builds on passion and interests

Employers and Community

  • Promotes excellence and engagement that may be transferable to community or work

  • Diversifies involvement, expands perspectives, and increases profile which may be helpful to community or work


  • May contribute to development of student social/emotional skills as well as learning skills/work habits

  • May link to curricular learning outcomes and student passions


Students and Families

  • May allow for expansion of personal interest into a career or broader contribution in support of others

Employers and Community

  • Providers of community service opportunities will need to consider the appropriateness and accessibility for some students to participate

  • Liaison with parents/guardians and protocols for ensuring safety and security of participants may be important especially where students are under 18

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